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The Witcher 3: length story, multiple endings and other information

Today networked new information emerge about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt . I will describe here waiting give Publisher confirms the authenticity of these. First it was revealed that there will be 36 final States depending on our choices, i.e. the game world will take 36 different States eventually and three different endings, each one hour long. The economic situation of each region will differ with each other. In some places you can buy something at a lower price, or sell it for a higher price.

At the beginning of the story we will have the ability to import your character from the second episode of the saga, of course if the bailouts, but this operation will not affect the title new background but will in some way impact on other characters in the plot.

Continuing in the story, the protagonist can only buy horses or even tame ones that meet in boundless environments using the Axii sign. As stated previously, Geralt will be much more agile movements, can jump and even climb where wants. While the protagonist will be busy in advancing the various missions, in the Woods before him will present wildlife decides to hunt to fetch you the fur or claws which can then keep or sell of course.

A fact that will affect many is the length of the game concerning this major. The leaked information saying that the main plot will last more than 50 hours. As expect, Geralt will have no easy life mainly if start robbing people. To this end, it is revealed that whenever people will notice that Geralt is robbing, will be called the guards. It was not clear how the protagonist can break away from such a situation, it is likely to pay a fine or go to be a "wanted".

As for the fight, this should be similar to S.P.A.V. present in Fallout 3. I.e. you can target specific areas of the enemy using a sort of slow-motion. Though this action you can perform (as was mentioned above) only after Geralt will have acquired, by reading special books, enough experience to know the weaknesses of the creature.

Geralt fighting will you experience; the maximum attainable experience will be 60. You will earn experience points only at the end of missions, hunting instead will retrieve money and objects of creation.

Are revealed two mini-games: throw the axe and card games. The information end here, hopefully as soon as possible to have official communications about the findings.