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LucasArts Announces Star Wars: 1313

In the last episode of GTTV, LucasArts announced a new title set in the Star Wars universe: titled Star Wars: 1313 , it is a third-person shooter that puts us in the shoes of a bounty hunter on Coruscant. The title refers to 1313, a vast criminal community sat beneath the surface of the planet. It was not clear for now if the bounty hunter in question is a new character or maybe the most famous or Boba Jango Fett, nor the historical era in the Star Wars timeline in which the game takes place.

There were announced the target platforms of the title, but saw the arrival on the console is pretty much safe. For now we have no other information besides the following images that show us the locations of the planet and what could be the protagonist. We look forward to video and more info at E3.