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New details on The Amazing Spider-Man by Game Informer

Game Informer has published in the latest issue of the magazine a new article on The Amazing Spider-Man , the new title ragnesco coming in late June, shortly before the film. The article was written after trying the first three hours of the game, and it reveals very interesting details.

Regarding the "open-world" gameplay, the magazine has confirmed that in New York frequently occur several crimes such as theft, bank robbery citizens or car chases between criminals and police; in all these cases we can decide whether to intervene or not. You can also bump into quests as they take special photographs for the Daily Bugle, perform changes to a documentary filmmaker and comic book look. About the latter, the game will include a true digital comics reader that will allow us to read adult comics Marverl as they find them. Obviously these will be in English and is highly unlikely to be translated into Italian unless Activision has not concluded any agreement with Marvel Italy.

The main story missions will instead place largely in closed areas, and proceed in linear levels. It seems then that the structure of the game created by Beenox is similar to that of Rage: an open and freely explorable world which then gives access to linear missions and isolated from the rest of the game world. In addition, New Yorkers will react differently to our presence on the basis of what we will do in the story missions.

Very interesting news about the combat system, which the magazine indicates how very similar to two Batmen of Rocksteady: there is a button for attacking and one for the counter, and we'll see Spidey jumping fluidly from one enemy to each other also kicks and punches through flying. The fight, however, is defined more acrobatic than Batman, while the set of moves of the protagonist is strongly inspired by the world of Lucha Libre exactly as in the upcoming film. During the fighting, you can also use the Web to escape attackers and hide behind cover, then it is possible that there are even more stealth combat phases just as in Batman titles. There is finally a leveling system/strengthening of character that will allow us to gain new powers and abilities throughout the game.

The title seems so very interesting on paper, perhaps the most interesting among those so far dedicated to home arrampicamuri Marvel; We have to await further news hoping to also see it in action.