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EA is considering a subscription for the next Battlefield

In an interview with VentureBeat , publisher EA boss Patrick Soderlund has revealed that the software house is considering the option to enter a subscription for the next Battlefield, stating that "like all other companies we are thinking about how to maximize our investments, and increasing the maximum number of players with our titles."

During the interview he also talked about the management of Battlefield 3, which he called a "Soderlund active service 24 hours on 24, 7 days on 7. We have staff in Stockholm, North America and other parts of the world that working 365 days a year providing continuous assistance to our users, observing the style of players, ensuring that the servers work, analyzing any problem reported and try to improve the gaming experience. " Such a commitment could then giusftificare, Soderlund, introducing a subscription of some sort.

It is not clear whether this subscription will be similar to the recent Call Of Duty Elite Premium, offering discounted DLC regular subscribers and preview compared to normal users, neither one knows with certainty whether EA will really bring something; It only remains to wait for future details.