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CliffyB: the DLC GOW3 missions are not cut from the single

Cliff Bleszinski on twitter intervened to clarify the situation of the Season Pass Gears of War 3 will offer at a price of 2400 Microsoft points, four additional content, the first of which coming in November. Cliffy B said that the single player content that will offer these expansions were not cut from the countryside, but stories are unusual because, as he said, "the planet of Sera has other stories to tell."

The new single player missions are still being developed and probably we will discover some of the characters from comics and books. In fact, in a poster dedicated to the Season Pass, which we propose below, is the character of Michael Barrick, who appeared in comics and later given up for dead as he was left alone to fight the Bloodmount.

Players must then expect a single player expansion, and dedicated than the longest cut scene of the DLC "Dark Corners" Gears of War 2, which instead was a small piece removed from the normal campaign. We will keep you updated when more details marginalized.