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Xbox enriches its Design Lab with new colors for Elite Series 2 controllers

After introducing in October the possibility of creating custom versions of the Elite Series 2 controller within the Design Lab , in addition to the normal controllers, Xbox raises and proposes starting today a further expansion of the customization possibilities of its high-end controllers.

The offer of the Design Lab is in fact expanded with new colors and shades, going to flesh out a proposal that is not particularly rich, in particular in relation to the central body of the controller. As far as this fundamental element is concerned, we can now choose from 16 colors; Even more numerous (17) are the varieties provided for the sticks and the D-pad, while triggers and bumpers have even 25 different metallic shades. Also very interesting are the new possibilities introduced for the ABXY buttons, with choices of sure impact that can give a decidedly personal imprint to the controller.

The base price of the Elite Series 2 Core made through Design Lab is € 139.99, a proposal all in all interesting if compared to the cost of a "factory" Core, necessarily limited to the colors chosen by Microsoft.

Also keep in mind the possibility of ordering separately some of the additional components that can normally only be purchased in bulk, in the upgrade package proposed at the list price of € 59.99.
Through Design Lab it is possible to order only the rear sticks, or the set of levers and directional cross, or even the only case with charging set (all obviously customizable), even if the price of the complete package remains much more advantageous.

What do you think of these news? Do you feel inspired to create some new creations?