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343 Industries Reassures Fans: Halo and Master Chief Are Here to Stay

After the recent layoffs at Microsoft and rumors about a restructuring in 343 Industries that would like the studio to devote itself mainly to the multiplayer of Halo Infinite, the head of the studio Pierre Hintze posted a statement on Twitter to reassure fans, explaining that the studio will also continue to evolve the story of Master Chief.

This is the statement translated into Italian:

Halo and Master Chief are here to stay.

343 Industries will continue to develop Halo now and in the future, including epic stories, multiplayer, and more of what makes Halo great.

Pierre Hintze
Head of the firm

While this reassures us about the future of the series, it does not dispel rumors that the Campaign can be entrusted to internal studios, because 343 could simply have a leading role as The Initiative is doing with Crystal Dynamics in the development of Perfect Dark. We hope to have more concrete news soon.