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A free trial of The Division is now available: we play 6 hours and up to level 8

After releasing today the 1.6 update and DLC until the end of The Division , Ubisoft announced the arrival of a free trial of the game, available for all players to Xbox One. To download on your console, add it to your download queue through the Xbox Store , clicking on "try for free".

Obviously, this version of the game will include some restrictions. First of all is the duration: players will have the chance to play the game for up to 6 hours; the other restriction is the highest attainable stuck at 8 (normally the maximum would be 30, while 99 is the highest level within the black area). Whereas the test does not have an expiration date, you can enjoy hours of play at any time you want.

Finally, as an accompaniment to the announcement, the developer has released a trailer for this version of the game. We wish you a good watching!

MX Video - The Division