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Hitman: Episode 3 Marrakesh will be released on May 31

IO Interactive has finally announced that the third installment of Hitman , set in the city of Marrakesh, will be available on Xbox One on May 31 . Marrakesh has been designed with a labyrinth of narrow streets, a series of suq lined the walls of the medina and a highly realistic hookah cafes. Players can also enjoy the shade from the top of the famous terraces among the rooftops of Marrakesh.

Just beyond the crowded market, you will find an architectural wonder: the Palace of the Swedish Consulate. With its combination of glass, concrete and wood, is the most authentic expression of Scandinavian minimalism, a stark contrast to the fierce heat outside of its walls.

As each level of Hitman, Marrakesh draws players with tales of infiltration. With its two targets, the mission "gilded cage" challenges players to eliminate the banker Claus Strandberg, holed up in the Swedish Consulate, impenetrable and General Reza Zaidan, protected by his team of elite soldiers in a makeshift headquarters in the heart of the city. Both targets will be difficult to achieve and, of course, both will be characterized by some memorable moments that will allow players to justice to triumph in a "poetic".

Marrakech is also accompanied by many other live content for players and markets crowded and the fortified Consulate will be excellent locations to introduce them. The third episode is designed to engage players in a wide range of challenges and initiatives.

We leave you to three new, cool pictures: enjoy!