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Data mining in Fallout 4 reveals the first details on the renewed survival mode

As you probably remember , Bethesda is currently working, among other things, a review of the survival mode of Fallout 4 , to fit more closely to the expectations of players. Thanks to research into the game files performed by a user of American community Reddit , we discover today the first interesting news about.

We learn how the new survival mode will inherit the traits of a true survival game with a series of measures. First you will be completely removed automatic saves and manuals: the only way to save your game will be sleeping in a bed, including sleeping bags, and of course we can't do that if there are any nearby enemies. Depending on the chosen bed will change though the maximum number of hours that we can sleep: in sleeping bags will not be able to sleep for a whole night but only a few hours.

Other feature removed from the game in this mode will be the quick trip: any location you want to achieve, you'll have to do it on foot, and if you visit the areas already cleared away above you will find them again populated by enemies, but will issue fewer subjects than in the past. In general the enemies will be tougher, the player will suffer the most damage and limb wounds will not heal alone but will require a Stimpak, or other supplies. Also the enemies won't see more on the compass. In addition our partners landed from the enemies not be back alive alone once defeated all opponents: we will have to liven them up with our Stimpak, or, if we slip away too much from them, will return home.

One advantage is that the perk adrenaline, which allows us to inflict more damage to enemies, it will always be active: the degree of adrenaline will rise gradually as we kill enemies making us stronger, but will decrease while we sleep.

While in the present game ammo carry no weight and can carry as many as you want, in survival, these will weigh realistically according to their size, with rockets and nuke which obviously among the heaviest.

How will introduce the possibility of getting sick when you eat foods which are damaged or using drugs: If this is a message we will experience and start debilitarci and weaken, and the only way out is to create or buy antibiotics.

For now, these are the most important information about: obviously we await a full revelation of how by Bethesda. Stay tuned!