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Reuters: the acquisition of Mojang from Microsoft is a done deal, Monday's announcement

After the rumor of a few days ago on a deal between Microsoft and Mojang (authors of Minecraft ) for the acquisition of the study of development of Markus "Notch" Persson for two billion dollars, news agency Reuters back today on the subject by explaining that the agreement is now signed to the dizzying amount of 2 billion dollars and that Monday will be given official announcement.

According to Reuters, however, Xbox there would come a lot with this acquisition: it seems that the main aim of Microsoft is strengthening its mobile platform, Windows Phone. Minecraft is the best selling game on both iOS and Android, but is absent on Smartphones with Microsoft; such an acquisition would allow such as Microsoft to launch a hypothetical Minecraft 2 solely on its platform, in the hope that the many fans of the series are so tempted to switch platforms to continue playing. Of course this could also benefit from reflection to Xbox, as in the case of a sequel hardly Microsoft prod on other platforms (except for the PC, which the company considers as its own platform).

Around the story circulating other rumor: it seems that this agreement has been wanted by Notch, which took the excellent relationship with Microsoft as an opportunity to sell his own studio. In case of sale confirmed, however, it seems that Notch itself would not remain long in the company but would use its percentage gain (more than a billion, apparently) to establish a new independent study. Of course even in the absence of its creator, the brand still retains a very high commercial value: Minecraft over 50 million copies worldwide making it one of the strongest known franchise industry.

We just have to wait until Monday to find out if this will turn into reality: stay tuned!