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EA: the Xbox 360 version of Titanfall will not be available in digital format

As of today, April 11, is finally available in stores for the Xbox 360 version of the long-awaited EA Titanfall . The Publisher informs us that the title in question will be sold solely on physical media, and digital distribution is not provided.

The motivation for this choice is of a technical nature: because of low memory present in the console, developers have opted to perform texture streaming-which on One Xbox reside all in-memory on the fly directly from disk. Here is a problem: both the DVD that Xbox 360 harddrive, if taken individually, are fast enough to make a stream of textures with the speed required by the game. And then we get to the technical solution: the game has a mandatory installation of Sun texture on hard disk (1 GB), after making a simultaneous streaming HD from both DVD to sum the two speed and get the overall bandwidth required for developers.

Hence it is evident, therefore, that if the game was downloaded via digital or if it was fully installed on the hard disk (in fact function disabled), would be forced to withdraw the textures just from disk without achieving peak speeds. It is a solution adopted by other games, such as GTA V, which if played in digital download accuse cali. In this case, EA has decided not to release the title through such channels not to sell a product.