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The results of the 2010 FIFA World Cup tournament

Recently ended the tournament, organized with the Online Gaming Arena, sponsored by Electronic Arts, FIFA World Cup South Africa 2010 is therefore time to take stock by announcing the first placed. The tournament saw the participation of 104 members were included in a board game with two knockout qualifying rounds, which increased the number of participants to 64. At this point we have passed the thirty-Finale, then the First round and so on through eighth, quarter and semi finals on its way to two finals.

Were played in all 186 meetings, which have made the final victory of M10 Demon Hunter, whom he defeated in the final double oAPTo The Rock won away for 5 to 3 after selling the house for 4 to 2. In the consolation final, IMR Maurone has wrought instead N7 keyVALE MK 3 with a double 0.

Please get to the next tournament we organize from September, arriving abundant pleasing fans of all types of games!