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Ubisoft is cheating ahead of time: The new Ghost Recon will be called Breakpoint

As we know tomorrow night, 9 May at 20:30, Ubisoft will make an announcement About the world of Ghost Recon, and many have speculated that it may be a new game in the series. Well, now you no longer need to make assumptions: The German Ubisoft Store has indeed published ahead of time-and then remove it quickly-the Collector's Edition of the new game, which we discover so Call itself Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

In addition to revealing the name of the game and explaining to us that the collector will be called for the extended Wolves Collector's Edition, the image shows us an operative of the Ghosts that here we find in a robe much harder and threatening than those Known In wildlands, With a battle mask and a hooded cover that, given the setting, we bet will have camouflage properties.

But that is not all: if this can be considered an official confirmation of the existence of the game, well 6 hours before this leak someone had published on Reddit, then to remove them, of the information on the title specifying that it would be called Ghost Recon Own Breakpoint , which adds great value to the rumor. These all details published on Reddit:

  • The game will be the sequel to Ghost Recon Wildlands
  • Will be set in the fictional Pacific island of Aurora
  • The main villain of the game will be Cole D. Walker, whom we met in the recent update of wildlands operation Oracle, where however he was a member of the Ghosts. Will be played by Jon Bernthal, the Punisher OF the TV series Netflix
  • Walker will rebel against his commanders and use an army of drones for his own purposes.
  • The game will be released on October 4th, accompanied by a Collector's Edition that includes the Year one Pass, a map and a statuette. It is unclear whether it is the same collector as the top image, because that is marked as "Ubisoft's exclusive Store", so it might be that in stores there is a further
  • As for Wildlands The gameplay will focus on the 4-player cooperative, but will not miss a heavily story-driven structure. It is not known whether the game will be launched with a PvP mode or if it comes later, as happened with Wildlands
  • In the gameplay an important role will have it a new mechanics associated with mud, which we will be shown during the direct revelation of tomorrow night

We reiterate that, unlike the name and the Collector's Edition, these details come from a less reliable source even if they match what was leaked later. Tomorrow We'il find out what's true: Stay with us!