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Rumor: a Titanfall Battle Royale free-2-play is coming, will be playable already Monday

Over the past 12 months, thanks to the incredible success he had from PUBG and Fortnite , gender Battle Royale had a big spike in popularity with series also very popular as Call of Duty and Battlefield that have embraced the mechanics. And, according to a recent rumor, it seems that Titanfall is coming in version not only BR, but also free of charge.

The rumor comes from youtuber TheQuartering , who claims to have received numerous details on the title after a top-secret Closed Beta event that took place this week involving several prominent streamer; According to the youtuber, the game will be called Titanfall: Apex Legends or similar, and will be completely free-to-play .

According to the information released today the first streamer should start to talk about the game, with an official announcement from EA that will take place next Monday, on 4 February , and the title will be available to everyone immediately .

TheQuartering explains that the game will be set in the universe of Titanfall but will have a different feeling from previous titles: will see opposing teams of three players in maps from 60 total players , with a tactical gameplay that will appear as a sort of a cross between that of CoD: Blackout and Rainbow Six: Siege . The call to R6 Siege is due to the fact that in the game you will be able to choose between different riders similar to operators in the title Ubisoft, with specific characteristics and abilities but they balance each other. the game will start with 5 of these pilots freely selectable by everyone, while two additional Drivers will be available for purchase with an in-game currency.

And that brings us to the economic system: according to the information received by youtuber, you may see a microtransaction system but will only serve to buy cosmetic items, while the pilots and other game elements will all be available for purchase with a obtainable in-game currency (rather easily) playing. Apparently, if this were confirmed, EA has made the criticism received in the past to provide a fairer economic system for all players.

For now the information stop here, and nothing has been revealed about the possible presence in the title of Titan, the real stars of the series; But if they were confirmed it would seem obvious that EA wants to follow the footsteps of Fortnite offering a free of charge and therefore unable to accommodate all the players, and earn money with then on cosmetic elements but also offering a system of evolution/ strengthening of its characters. If this is true we'll find out very soon, with the first confirmation coming already this afternoon/evening: stay tuned to find out!