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Call of Duty WWII: first details on DLC The Resistance

Activision and Sledgehammer Games have released today the first details on the first DLC for Call of Duty: WWII entitled The Resistance ( the resistance ); offering us so more information on three new standard maps, a War mode and one for Nazi Zombies that will be included in the package.

The first map is Anthropod , set in Czechoslovakia and that we will propose a standard design in "three lanes", with buildings on the sides facing an open area Central. Then there's Valkyrie , a medium sized map set in one of Hitler's headquarters. The third and last of the standard maps will eventually be Occupation , a remake of the map Resistance of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3.

The map devoted to War mode will be named instead Operation: Intercept , and will take place in an urban centre on the outskirts of Paris. To win, players must get rid of French resistance fighters, destroy radio systems and completely stop a train in its tracks.

Finally we find the Zombie mode map The Darkest Shore , which takes place a few days after the events of the original map and is set on a beach.

The package The Resistance is expected for January 30 February [/play] 2018 [play] ; we leave you with a set of images of the contents just announced.