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Hitman prepares us to great challenges with the difficulty level Pro

After the announcement of the arrival of the HDR support, I-Intercative revealed that on the same day, on 31 January, will be introduced for free in Hitman a new difficulty level. More precisely it is the Professional mode that will unlock in each location only when they have reached the level of skill 20.

The new mode will feature a limited availability of useful items to complete the various killings, by improving the artificial intelligence of the enemies and the cameras used for surveillance, in addition to a series of new rewards and limited bailouts, to make the challenge even more exciting.

The developer has also made it known that the new level of difficulty will be available for all the missions of the first season, while the exclusive events as well as the elusive targets will remain playable in classic mode called "normal."

Please note that the January 31 will be available for Xbox One retail edition of the game which PS4, priced at 59.99 Euros, will offer more than the six main episodes on disc, the following additional digital content: the episode summer bonus, the package Requiem, the original soundtrack and a behind the scenes video. Also, when you pre-ordered the game you will also receive a beautiful Steelbook limited.