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The Rocket Car to Fallout 4 is available in Forza Motorsport 6, incoming players codes

Thanks to the partnership between Turn 10 Studios and Bethesda stipulated in 2015, arrives on Forza Motorsport 6 the futuristic Chryslus Rocket ' 69 present in Fallout 4 . Built to DART on highways and roads of the world pre-apocalypse of Fallout, 69 Chryslus Rocket ' powered by atomic fusion will race world famous circuits Forza Motorsport 6.

Starting today, Microsoft will provide the codes for the Rocket Chryslus ' 69 through Xbox live message to all players who played both Forza Motorsport 6 that Fallout 4 on Xbox One while being connected to your Xbox live profile (one code per Xbox live account). Given the large amount of codes to be transmitted, it may take up to seven days to deploy them all. So players who buy Forza Motorsport 6 and/or Fallout 4 between 14 April and the end of the month will receive the codes in early May.

We leave you with a video and a photo gallery that shows us the new vehicle. Good vision.

MX Video - Forza Motorsport 6