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3 mafia: a postcard would reveal the arrival of new information for the 19 April

2 k Games has just posted two pictures on Twitter of Mafia III depicting a postcard, most likely written by the protagonist of Mafia II Vito Scaletta (also present in this third installment), which would announce the arrival of new information next at 19 14:00 (Italian hours).

The original message, which you can also see you in the pictures that were found at the bottom of the news, is encrypted but was quickly deciphered by a user of the American site Reddit and it would be a message of Vito Scaletta addressed to Lincoln Clay, protagonist of the new Mafia III , which would reveal that by April 19 the two protagonists will surely cross once again.

It is finally the moment of announcement of official release date or, more likely, the release of a new movie?  Stay tuned on our frequencies to find out!

We leave you now with images depicting the postcard and its cryptic message.