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The Rise of the third DLC Tomb Raider, Cold Darkness Awakened, arrives next week

Microsoft and Crystal Dynamics have announced today that the third and final DLC of Rise of the Tomb Raider , entitled Cold Darkness Awakened (the awakening of the cold darkness), will be available for download on Xbox 360 and Xbox One on 29 March priced at 9.99 € or free for Season Pass holders.

The package will add to a new game mode in which Lara must fend off waves of infected predators in an abandoned research base used during the cold war and which holds many secrets to be discovered.

We leave you now with a new trailer, entitled complete experience , shows many scenes from the original game and the three main DLC ( How Stoicism , Baba Yaga: Temple of witch and the awakening of the cold darkness ). Good vision!

MX Video - Rise of the Tomb Raider