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Mirror's Edge Catalyst: details and images on characters and settings

Electronic Arts has released today a series of new information and images on characters of Mirror's Edge Catalyst than on beautiful environments that we can explore freely as Faith. We learn so more details on neighborhoods in the city of Glass, the factions that live there, the protagonist and battering Gabriel Krueger. Read on.


As of the Census of AF47, Glass has nearly five million inhabitants and is the third largest city in Cascadia. Future visitors should read up on what the central districts have to offer in terms of sights and entertainment.

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ANCHOR -The Anchor district is one of the richest areas of Glass, and its many impressive buildings are the proud representatives of powerful companies that have established themselves. Thanks to the presence of the city's most prominent clubs, young people are regulars of so-called "Still" for nightlife and shopping

One of the spectacular building projects of Anchor is the gigantic Mall Bauble. Once completed, the Bauble will be the most sumptuous commercial center of Cascadia and an authentic monument to the success of the lifestyle of the conglomerate.

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CENTER -located in the heart of Glass, the center represents the flagship of the modern city. Among the crowded streets and busy, you will find a wide variety of trendy boutiques and renowned attractions such as the Palace of Elysium Corp, home of the world's leading experts in the field of medical research.

Illegal activities have been reported in the area of so-called "Runner" who prowl the rooftops. EU citizens must be alarmed: the troublemakers will be promptly punished by the staff of KrugerSec.

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The BELVEDERE -a thriving residential area dedicated to citizens "in upward mobility," the Glass Ocean (or simply "the Belvedere") is widely regarded as the last step before being invited to the Sky City. If you are looking to escape the crowding of the Center or Anchor, the viewpoint is certainly worth a visit. Here you can walk along the promenade, picnicking and maybe visit the Marina. On clear days it is not uncommon to see families who enjoy the beach while their children play in the surf.

[Nota: tutte le attività acquatiche sono limitate alle apposite zone ricreative, stato dell'impiego e del veicolo permettendo. Fate riferimento a "Politica ricreativa del Conglomerato: Glass" per ulteriori informazioni.]


The city of Glass is governed by the Conglomerate which in turn consists of numerous powerful companies, but that's not the only faction in the city. There are other groups: those who are fighting against oppression, those who support it and those who are in the middle.

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The RUNNER -runners are a special group of foreign volunteers to the network who have decided not to join the Conglomerate machine. Living on roofs and grouped together in covens close-knit, whizzing to the urban landscape making theft and working as couriers for the winning bidders. Corporate houses depend on secretly from Runner to their continual machinations, and although the KrugerSec is always entitled to neutralize at sight any Runner, some argue it's not treading the hand as it could with them.

The CONGLOMERATE -the conglomerate consists of 13 companies, each managed by a powerful family or corporate House, which together govern the nation cascadiana. Engaged in a constant struggle for power, the houses are ready to resort to extreme measures just to improve their positions in the hierarchy of the conglomerate. Among the companies includes the security forces of KrugerSec, technical experts of Silvine Systems and Elysium Corp, specializing in medical research and health care.

NOVEMBER BLACK -November black is a resistance movement led by Rebecca Thane, once a prominent leader of the protests, which turned to armed struggle following the riots of November of almost twenty years earlier. Constantly hunted by the KrugerSec, November Black never misses a chance to terrorize the General Authority and fomenting a revolution among employees.

Also does everything possible to avoid civilian casualties, but recently Rebecca seems convinced that all municipalities employees are passive supporters of the conglomerate and tyranny. As a result, they too should become targets in such a way as to be obliged to understand the consequences of passive consent.


FAITH CONNORS -confident and lover of thrill, Faith Connors is one of the most skillful Runner of Glass. His carefree attitude cannot last forever, though. One day you will face the conglomerate and its tempestuous past.

  • A REAL RUNNER-Like Runner, Faith has the highest level of athletic ability and a thorough knowledge of the areas of Glass. She is an expert fighter and his skill in martial arts allows you to defend against tyrannical the security forces in the city. Although runners have an ambivalent attitude towards technology, Faith makes use of some devices to take advantage of opportunities that present themselves and gain access to the network of the Runner, making his movements in the city.
  • A TEMPESTUOUS PAST-Faith had just seven years that clear day in November when her life changed irreversibly. A peaceful protest against corporate abuse on the streets of a violent revolt degenerated into Glass that cost the lives of the entire family of Faith. She was rescued by Noah, who raised around to become a Runner. When Faith thinks only of Noah, the small cabal of Runner where he lives and his next race. But the events will force to take a stand in the fight against the despotic authority.

GABRIEL KRUGER -Better stay away from ruthless head of KrugerSec. Kruger's scorn for those who live off the net is palpable and his hatred for the resistance, which pursued so relentlessly, is immense. But Kruger also harbored feelings of guilt and conflict due to the death of a loved one.

That's all for now: we leave you to all new images and we remind you that Mirror's Edge Catalyst is expected in stores for 24 May.