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New information on Gears of War multiplayer 4

The Colalition revealed to us magazine Game Informer a wealth of new information about the 4 Gears of War multiplayer; have not yet been revealed the multiplayer modes that will be present in the title, but still it is very interesting details: keep reading.

First, the developers have said that in this new game, there is a strong focus on multiplayer: while the first title the effort put in competitive multiplayer than the countryside was the 10%, then in subsequent episodes but never more than 30%, this time the team focused beginning fully on this part of the game, starting to design maps and modes at the same time as the start of work on the campaign. The Coalition has also enlisted the help of Spash Damage, London who had worked on team titles like Return to Castle Wolfenstein , Brink and GoW: Ultimate Edition where they were busy just multiplayer compartment.

Coming to the features of the Sub-fund multiplayer, The Coalition says that the match will again be humans against monsters: I will be glad those who had poorly digested COG COG matches against GoW: Judgment . In the game there are three factions: the swarm, the CoG and the Outsiders (probably translated as Outdoors in Italy); COG and Outsiders cannot however clash, then the match will always be among the swarm and one of the other two factions. Each of these has unique attributes, such as the daggers used and other aspects will be customized for faction.

The team also discusses this time the multiplayer was created with an eye to the scene eSports to allow structured and professional competitions, but the game will still be extremely accessible to casual players. It then reiterated, as we knew, that the multiplayer is going to 60 fps and will run on dedicated servers.

One important note is that of the wind, which we know will have a key role in the campaign: in multiplayer this would be absent or otherwise will not have the impact it has in history where he can divert the trajectory of the bullets and affect players.

A final mention goes to Beta: The Coalition confirms that will arrive in the spring, then we're almost there. The Beta will include 5 playable characters among humans: three are the protagonists of the game JD, Kait and, while the other two are Kait's mother and leader of the Outsiders, Reyna, and Kait's uncle Oscar, an ex-COG and survival expert. Of course there will also be a chance to impersonate members of the swarm, because as we said the multiplayer will always be humans vs monsters.

That's all for now: we will update when we have more information about Gears of War 4 .