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Project CARS: developers ask for feedback from the community

At a distance of 8 months now since the release of Project CARS , Bandai Namco and Slightly Mad studios have asked all those who have had a chance to try the game to leave a feedback, so you know which direction to go with the next title in the series.

In this regard has been prepared a survey with a whole series of questions that will allow developers to know the opinion of the community, the most successful aspects of the game and those a little less, so you can have a good material to work with in future sequels, of which we had provided the details in a previous news .

"You want more cars? What is the class of car you prefer? Games with the controller or wheel? " , these are just some of the questions in the questionnaire.

In order to have your say, you have to go to this address , fill in the questionnaire (available only in English) in its entirety and click at the end to "vote".