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The Witcher 3: incoming a patch with 600 improvements

CD Project RED has announced that yesterday it started the approval process for a new patch for The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt and it will take about a week to get the approval of Microsoft to release. The most interesting part of this patch is that it will bring about "600 changes" including improvements to graphics and graphic settings.

In a recent interview Adam Badowski, Member of CD Project Red said:

" Before entering the heart of the discussion, know that a very large patch with 600 changes-including improvements to graphics and graphics settings-was sent in today [mercoledì 20 maggio] and certification it will take between 5 and 7 days for approval. "

Probably are news that will make happy users console versions have experienced some frame-rate problems , in the hope that these small problems, along with the slightly more serious fonts too small, are resolved. Continue to follow us to receive updates on this point and let us know in the comments how you welcome this news.