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The bullfighting Bull Simulator is available on Xbox One

Please be advised that, surprisingly, from this morning is offered for download on Xbox One bullfight Simulator Toro . The game can be purchased at the price of 19,99€ (granted to Gold users to 15,99€) for a weight of about 2, 17GB. To follow a set of images and the description of the game provided by the Xbox Game Store :

"Bull is the p rimo bullfighting simulation game that will test your skills and reflexes toreando bulls of 500 kg. You will be able to face the bulls the bravest in the world's most famous squares and become a star of the Bullfight. So fun and exciting "Bull" can put you face to face with the most danger you bulls and bull ring using a wide amount available steps in each Bullfight. Challenge the bull, combines different passages and runs especially for you properly to irritate the bull, meet the public and achieve the highest score. "