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Batman Arkham Knight: Amazon reveals some details on DLC dedicated to Harley Quinn

Online list of Amazon USA revealed some details about the DLC's Harley Quinn of Batman: Arkham Knight , the bonus given (at least initially) only to those who book the game.

The site reveals that the DLC we will step into the shoes of the psychopathic Joker's girlfriend, with the sole objective to break her friend that rots in jail for some time now, or Poison Ivy . Once then made inroads in the Police Department of the city of Blüdhaven, we open the way the police clubbing with baseball bat.

Please remember that Batman: Arkham Knight suffered yesterday a delay on release date: the day of release is now set for June 23. In addition to the DLC's Harley Quinn in question, who will book the game will also get the history of Red hood .