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New info on Mad Max: survival, mechanical combat system and garage management

Avalanche Studios revealed by Game Informer new information on Mad Max , revealing mechanical details survival, combat system and the management of the garage. To follow all the details.

Avalanche Studios has revealed that the map of Mad Max will have soft borders that we will be able to travel beyond the boundaries of the map in-game. However, venture into this space, known as The big nothing , is incredibly dangerous. In this area there are no food and water are scarce and there are frequent sand storms, which reveal themselves in most times fatal. If we can survive the dangers in this area, however, we will have the opportunity to find several rare pieces for our car, the Magnum Opus .

But also the survival within the borders of the map will be a challenge, so as to take the game of survival traits: supplies of food and water, both used to restore health of Max , will be scarce. When we are short of food and health, developers advise us to observe the flight of birds: these will fly near decaying corpses, which are covered with maggots. Fortunately for Max , the worms are a good source of protein. Even rodents can be consumed to regenerate health, since the vegetation is scarce in the playing area.

While vital resources become a scarce, Avalanche players wants to ensure that the fuel will be readily available. " We want the resources are scarce, but we also want in a travel-based auto fuel we can find it easily ," said Emil Krafting , gamer disigner of the game.

As for the fighting, these will be similar to those seen in Batman Arkham as they rely on keystrokes to perform reversals, rolled to dodge the shots and so on.

Direct from the game menu you can also access to the garage, and this will allow us to modify the Magnum Opus anytime. Garages were originally scattered around the game map, but Avalanche has noticed that this interfered with the gameplay and therefore decided to put the whole thing in a special menu where we can customize engine, armor, grills for the ramming, exhaust pipes and much more.

Finally the software house revealed that meet the Max companion, Chumbucket , very early in the course of history. Chum , a mechanical expert, possesses a weapon similar to a gun-Harpoon, which is then used to eliminate and impale so very quickly the various enemies.

At the moment the information end here: Please note that Mad Max will be available on Xbox One on 4 September and to view the cover of the game, the trailer and pre-order bonus follow this link .