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Dragon Ball: Xenoverse is offered for preorder and preload on Xbox One in two editions

Please be advised that starting today you can purchase and download in advance on Xbox One fighting game by Bandai Namco Games Dragon Ball: Xenoverse , available in both the standard edition and in Trunks ' Travel Edition . The first, proposed at a price of 69.99 Euro, includes additional character Vegeta Super Saiyan 4 and two exclusive costumes; the Second Edition instead, proposal to 94.99 Euro price contains everything that is contained in the previous edition in addition to the seasonal pass of the game, which will give access to all future DLC characters, quests, challenges and so on.

As always with the preorder in advance you can download the game, but you'll be able to start only at launch, i.e. from the 27 February 00:01.

We wish you a good buy!