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GTA V: news on the new version and first-person gameplay

The November 18 is the big day for fans of GTA that will arrive in stores the new version of Grand Theft Auto V for Xbox One . Today, as announced, were revealed new details on this new version of the game, along with a video clip showing the gameplay and new graphics.

First the technical aspect has undergone a veritable makeover that has led approximately 3000 animations more than the original title released on the old console: this was also due to the new first person view can be selected alternately classic in third, for which developers have had to introduce many new animations such as weapons or reload when you are driving a vehicle. When we drive in first person, moreover, we can always check the speedometer by any means to know the speed at which we are going, and the planes and helicopters will also take a look at the altimeter or other equipment.

While we drive a motorcycle, you can observe mirrors to see our pursuers also can lower themselves behind the fairing to shield us from the bullets.

Obviously for those who don't like this kind of view you can always use the classic one, with the ability to switch between the two views at any time: this will give a perspective totally different missions. Play in first person will give new sensations but of course everything will be more difficult to perform.

Among other things, remember that the developers have posted about 20 new species of animals, new weather and a realization of the leaves and the natural environments in general more realistic. Also increased the number of characters on the screen, and the Visual distance.

In short, everything should be more lively and evocative.  Improvements will be also the character creation tool.

Then you can see the footage showing the graphic and the view in the first person, plus a set of images.

MX Video - Grand Theft Auto V