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New screen for Naruto Shippuden UNSR; get our online replacement

Bandai Namco Games has released a large set of images of Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution , which shows us the incredible and faithful reproduction of Shukaku fully playable, the demon that Rate suddenly is in now former carrier force with the fifth Kazekage Gaara of the sand Village. screenshots give us the opportunity to discover even the Supreme Technical Tie-up between Garra, Kankuro and Temari. In addition, it was revealed a new feature: we are speaking of Network Clone, or our fully customizable virtual alter-ego that will fight at our place when we are not present in person to play with the title of CyberConnect2 .

We leave you with screenshots, remembering that the multiplayer demo 1 ends, and that the game of CyberConnect2 is expected Sept. 12 on Xbox 360 .