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An avalanche of screenshots for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution

Bandai Namco Games has released a new full set of pictures for Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm Revolution , which give us the opportunity to appreciate mainly the impressive Shukaku tonnage, the demon fully playable Rate belonging to the former Carrier Force Gaara and the fifth Kazekage of the sand Village. The images also show us the Statue of a thousand Hands of Hashirama Senju, which will be fully playable when we enter into True Awakening mode with our character. We can also customize our favorite Ninja during our battles online, choosing from a wide range of gadgets and even miniature reproductions of the Bijuu.

We leave you with the screenshots, remembering that the multiplayer demo 1 September ends and that the the game of CyberConnect2 is expected Sept. 12 on Xbox 360.