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CoD Advanced Warfare: multiplayer info, pictures and an avalanche of video

The event of revelation of multiplayer Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare has recently finished, and there are many features of the game explained and shown on stage in Cologne. Then we list here the main characteristics emerged during the event, accompanied by a full set of videos that show us both the registration of several demonstrations made at unreleased footage showing both gameplay and menu. The whole concludes with a series of images of the game: good reading and good vision!

Pick 13 – the system creates a class introduced with Black Ops 2 will make his return, except that this time we will have space for 13 instead of 10 options. The choice of Scorestreak will now be part of the system, and we will have the opportunity to choose a fourth Scoresteak using a wildcard.

Improving Scorestreaks – Each Scorestreak in Advanced Warfare now has a chance to be improved and made more powerful, but of course this has a cost: the stronger you make the Scorestreak more points will be used to achieve it.

Supply drops – this is guadagnabili package by completing certain challenges, and can contain from 1 to 3 random objects. Each object can be common, good or rare. The supply drop objects may consist of special combinations of armaments, equipment such as helmets, exoskeletons, Tracksuits etc, or in-game reinforcement or very similar improvements to burn Titanfall card. All items earned through the supply drop are saved in the "Armory", up to a maximum of 84 items.

Supply Drops from single player – some of the objects present in the supply drop will be unlocked only in single player missions. So who will have all the equipment you will be able to do so only after completing the campaign: an interesting way to promote the use of a multiplayer mode that some players often snub.

Exo-skill – every soldier now offers new abilities provided by the Exo-suit, such as the ability to make huge jumps and shoot in four directions, but you can add additional skills to your suit by Pick 13 system. These new skills will be activated during the match with the button LB and usable up to the discharge of the battery of the Exo-suit. These are additional skills required:

  • Exo Shield – a shield can be quickly attached to an arm of the suit
  • Exo Overclock – increases travel speed
  • Exo Stim-Regenerates health over temporarily normal levels
  • Exo – temporary Invisibility Cloak
  • Exo Hover – allows you to glide for a short period of time
  • Exo Table – shows the movements of the enemy and firing of weapons on your HUD
  • Exo Trophy System – Destroys the grenades and incoming missiles for a short period of time

Create-a-operator – Allows a level of customization of our unprecedented character in the CoD series. Basically it appears similar to the customization of Ghosts, but with many more options: you can customize goggles, gloves, pants, knee pads, boots and the same Exo suits.

Virtual Polygon – while we're waiting in the lobby to start the next match, we can start quickly and with zero loading time a session in Virtual Polygon. Perfect for those who want to test their weapon configurations before starting a game.

Scorestreaks co-op – Some allow Scorestreaks to a second player to help the first: This aims to encourage team play to increase considerably its score.

Heavy Weapon Class -The new class of Heavy Weapon allows the use of weapons to "direct energy" introduced futuristic scenario of 2054, as the EM1 and EMPm2. These weapons do not need to be recharged, but easily overheat when used too.

New modes :

  • Uplink – similar to the Oddball mode of Halo, the goal is to get the "Drone" (a spherical device) and transmission station on the other side of the map. Jump in with the ball makes us earn 2 points, just throw the ball makes it gain 1.
  • Momentum – this is the version of Advanced Warfare of "war" view mode in World at War. The map shows five consecutive capture points, but only one at a time is active. More killings and captures the team manages to put a sign, and faster we can capture the next point. If the opposing team captures our point, the mechanism is reset and we will start to capture the various points.

Return of ways already seen :

  • Clan Wars – Developed by the team of Beachhead Studios, should be similar to the Clan Wars of Ghosts.
  • How Broadcasters – there are no details, but it should be available at launch.
  • Hardpoint mode – already present in Black Ops 2, will return to Advanced Warfare.

We leave you now with videos and images: good vision!

MX Video - Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare