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An avalanche of unpublished notes on Farcry 4

The Creative Director for Farcry 4 Alex Hutchinson has revealed, via a podcast on Gameinformer , a tremendous amount of new details on promising and long-awaited title, alluding to a possible new episode based on the universe of Far Cry: Blood Dragon. Here we present a summary of the interview with producer:

  • The size of the map of Farcry 4 is roughly similar to that of his predecessor, but the immense Himalayan environment characterized by vast landscapes montanari will ensure a greater feeling of immersiveness.
  • Hutchinson also aspires to a Far Cry game where even the modder community could enjoy, but also dotted with hardcore gamer oriented elements: e.g. die of hypothermia if you stay for a long time in ice-cold water or contracting infectious disease if bitten by a wild animal; These features, however, are not scheduled to be included in Farcry 4 , but the developer may think them in any way in case with regard to a strong focus among gamers.
  • In Farcry 4 will not be present, but sharks to replace their ferocity there will be kinds of fish, called by developers "Demon Fish" for their aggressiveness; in outline there are honey rates.
  • If we send them to the peaks of Kyrat, oxygen will necessarily need to carry on their backs, and Hutchinson reported that nevertheless "there is will be in limited quantities".
  • The splitscreen co-op is not present.
  • After the disastrous experience of Far Cry 3 multiplayer, developers have realized the mistakes in the past and are dedicating to a multiplayer worthy of his name.
  • The wingsuit will be unlocked very quickly.
  • Contrary to Far Cry 3, in continuation of the game will not be present the QTE (Quick Time Event), but we can still interact with the game with certain "actions".
  • While we will be aboard a car, we can calmly throw the grenades inside the car of an enemy, obviously an action that will lead to the breakup of their respective Windows.
  • The way he dipaneranno fires will be equal to that seen in the previous chapters.
  • The HUD of game will be completely switched off, both for a more immersive experience that to take clear and simple picture, that will be shared through a dedicated social function.
  • The game will take the multiple endings, conditioned by the fact that change in accordance with who relazioneremo in the game, with different situations and so on.
  • Enemy outposts, once grubbed up, you can restore them again.

Having delighted with these numerous and valuable information, we remind you that Farcry 4 is released on November 18 in three limited editions, of which there had already spoken in a our previous news