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New details from the press release for the free Independence Day Special DLC for GTA V

In the day yesterday we informed about the availability of a new completely free add-on for Grand Theft Auto V , entitled " Independence Day Special ." Today we hear the official statement from the Publisher so you can read all the news that brings us the DLC in question.

Has your skills and dominates the road coast to coast with two new vehicles to stars and stripes, the bike Sovereign and the colossal monster truck Liberator . Defend your rights in the manner of the founding fathers with the latest addition to the collection of Antiquities of Ammu-Nation, the powerful musket , or get in touch with Jack Howitzer in you and give us in with the spectacular pyrotechnic gun .

Seven new buildings were added to the portfolio of 8 Dynasty, including some properties to Paleto Bay and Vinewood Hills with large courtyards all by bruciacchiare with homemade Fireworks. With twelve kinds of fireworks and different length fuses, you will be able to cry of joy even Republican Space Ranger more numb. If you prefer less incendiary entertainment managed by teenage workers at minimum wage, for you there is the pleasure Pier, where you expect the Ferris Whale and the Leviathan.

This time-limited update from patriotic look will allow you to show your nationalistic pride with t-shirts "Made in the U.S.A.," mullet of those who now do not see more and animal masks represented the most frightening and majestic creatures of this great country.

These special seasonal content can be redeemed in the game until the middle of July (we will announce soon a more accurate due date). The automatic update for the special Independence Day also includes various optimizations and improvements, including the new matchmaking waiting . This new option allows players to accept an invitation to a task and to continue playing in Freemode until all slots are occupied business players, reducing waiting time for initiating the activity. For a complete list of all the optimizations and improvements, visit the website of Rockstar Support .

To download the special Independence Day, turn on your PS3 or Xbox 360 system and start GTAV . You will be prompted to download the automatic update (1.15). Xbox 360 users will be asked to download a Compatibility Pack soon will add to GTA Online.

Keep an eye out, tomorrow there will be more news on the upcoming four-day weekend celebration of the Independence Day.