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Ubisoft: Watch Dogs will reward exploration and resourcefulness of the player

According to what stated by the producer Dominic Guay in an interview reported in the prestigious magazine 139 games â„¢ , developers of Watch Dogs wanted to direct the play of their skeleton highly anticipated title to an experience, to be enjoyed in full, requires the player to approach the game universe so enterprising and explorative. Focus excessively on the main storyline, in fact, appears to be less appropriate choice according to the guys at Ubisoft Montreal, as it should be so negatively alter the formula chosen by game programmers, characterized by a strong propensity for the development of numerous alternative assignments.

Below we present an interesting excerpt from the speech by Dominic, the producer of Ubisoft Montreal, which helps to better understand the underlying reasons that led to such a choice:

"The balance between primary and secondary content is determined solely by how approcciate the title, and right now we are conducting tests with the final version of Watch Dogs and invited some people to play: We inferred that some of players tends to focus exclusively on the main story, while another prefers to focus on secondary activities and exploring the map, returning on the primary missions at a later time. The latter attitude is precisely what we had in mind since we started to create the game world. I don't want to reduce in numbers, but I would say that basically there are many more minor tasks to perform than primary ones, so that players who prefer to indulge in vigilante missions and fight enemies will do it for days and days. We have also posted along the city many dynamic events that we don't feel properly define "missions". There have been some in the previous demonstration movies that were in the course of criminal activity, bushes and the player could decide freely whether to intervene or not. There are also the contracts which the player can accept from various factions (and that influeranno on the development of the different abilities of Aiden) as well as those that we like to call "narrative tendencies" — situations where the player can hack and eavesdrop on other people's phone conversations or understand what's really going on behind the scenes. You'll hear talk about many issues, and we wanted the player might be involved with the study and investigation of its conditions. For us it was important to not only Watch Dogs a solid narrative context that would frame the main events, but also make sure that the player is prodded to deepen the various vicissitudes. All this was placed at the base of our work with the game. "

What do you think? Would have preferred a greater deepening of main storyline or are you happy to know that the efforts towards the secondary activities of Watch Dogs was widely favored by developers?