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Square Enix announces next-gen Hitman, first details

The famous 47 Agent could not make its appearance on next-generation consoles and IO Interactive as well the fans expect the return of the charismatic character on Xbox One . The developer announced today the development of a new Hitman next-gen, explaining that the title will see an Agent 47 lead early in his career.

The game we will travel the world, visiting exotic locations in search of our prey, obviously with the unfailing help of Diana Burnwood and ICA. In the course of the adventure we have a wide range of instruments as it is in the tradition of the series.

The developers have stated that he had learned a lot through the previous episodes of the series and that, thanks to the Glacier 2, engine will get an excellent chart level. The game will contain more extensive levels seen so far in the series, with an approach to open and non-linear design. The goal of the developers is to create in those moments that all Harry Potter fans love. There it is revealed that the "magic pockets" 47 agent will be deleted-then we can take with us many more weapons hiding in even the most voluminous inventory-and how will Contracts with all its features.

More details are expected in the coming months, and we will, as always, with our usual Celerity.