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Ubisoft: next Assassin's Creed will be "much more next-gen"

With the debut of the next-gen consoles coming in even the first so-called cross-gen , which is developed for both the current and new console. According to Ubisoft , the real difference will be significant only with the second wave of titles, those arriving by mid to late next year so to speak: this is because the titles of upcoming release were developed without secure technical specifications that led the studios to remain cautious on what would or would not have been able to do.

The lead game designer Jean-Sebastien Decant of Ubisoft goes even further: " Assassin's Creed II: Black Flag is a transition game, with only a few graphic improvements on PS4 and Xbox One. Since the specification does not define when we started we started development as already we had, we have built over. We can not say that we are happy and that was the game we had in mind, no, we wanted more. There are a lot of things can be improved in combat, in parkour, but stealth gameplay stages apart is the central structure of the game that is going to change, thanks to the evolution of social features, to a world open to share with other players . "

According to Decant the next iteration of the franchise might be considered more than a open world and a real platform to support for years, in which the social and multiplayer features will find their natural evolution. We'll see what the future will bring. for sure, given what some dev have managed to pull out of the current console, we can only be optimistic.