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CoD Ghosts: one billion dollars from sales in just one day

Activision has just announced that revenue made record on the first day of the launch of Call of Duty: Ghosts from resellers prowls on billion dollars. According to Microsoft the title is already the most played on XBL and boasts an increase in duration of the various sessions as seen with the previous episodes of the saga . Although the data are referred to only copies sent to retailers the fact is really striking, especially considering that the other big hit of this period, GTA V, took three days to arrive at the same result.

" Call of Duty is the biggest brand on the console of this generation " rejoices Bobby Kotic , Activision CEO, " this year more and more people played it so much to get to 4 billion hours of game play and although it is too early to talk about sales figures the launch of Call of Duty: Ghosts certainly comes at a time when the brand has never been more popular .

Call of Duty: Ghosts is available since yesterday on xbox 360 while you get the launch day for Xbox One