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Details and pricing on microtransactions in GTA Online

In yesterday were leaked the first information on the system of microtransactions in online mode Grand Theft Auto V : today we receive further details, including prices (in pounds) of various "bundles of money" that will be affordable.

Some users who have had the chance to try in Grand Theft Auto advance Online have indeed confirmed the presence of these packages, which will be divided as follows:

-$ 100,000 Red Shark Cash Card-£ 1.99
Tiger Shark-$ 200,000 Cash Card-£ 3.49
-$ 500,000-Bull Shark Cash Card-£ 6.99
-1.25 million $-Great White Shark Cash Card-13,49£

Less than a week before the arrival of online mode, it seems very unlikely that these details change quite drastically.

The same users have explained that the price of individual articles can be purchased in the game will change between single-player mode and online. For example the most luxurious properties in the online mode will cost at most $ 400,000 while single come to cost much more, while as regards objects as weapons and these machines will be more expensive than single online, so as to make them more difficult to obtain. Of course, this will mean that whoever buys the card with the local currency will have immediate access to a very wide park of objects, rather than the user that starts from the basic level or who want to earn their credits only playing.

Now missing only the official announcement by Rockstar, who viewed the constant rumor, confirmations and post from different sites will not delay surely to arrive. Please note that the release of Grand Theft Auto Online mode of Grand Theft Auto V is expected for October 1.