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EA will not pay more licenses for the reproduction of real weapons in games

Reuters informs us that, following the recent events such as the shooting in Sandy Hook school in Newton in Connecticut, and controversies about the company's relations with the weapons, but Electronic Arts has taken the decision to stop paying the rights for reproduction of real weapons in his games.

This does not mean to say that Battlefield and other titles will see more real weapons not just EA claims to be able to use without where pay licences, as well as who uses them in other forms narrative doesn't have to pay licenses.

"We're telling a story and we have our point of view: a book does not pay the fees for having to mention the name Colt" , says Frank Gibeau of EA.

This probably will not serve to dampen the controversy on the use of weapons in video games and their correlation with the tragic events, but doing so may prove that EA is not doing the interests of gun lobby paying expensive royalties.