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The Australian rating board Unveils downloadable game of Pacific Rim

The Australian Classification Board revealed the existence of the videogame adaptation of the Pacific Rim film directed by Guillermo del Toro expected in theaters this summer. The source lists the game as multipliattaforma title developed by studio responsible for WWE series Yuke 's, and having as main theme the robots and the monstrous creatures of Japanese cinema known as Kaijū?. Among other things a user on Neogaf has found the net for the cover of the game refers to the Xbox 360 Live Arcade, as a testimony that the game will be a downloadable title, plus some pictures that show us the design of the product.

After such anallizzare, we see that the game should be made with the same engine of Real Steel , developed by Yuke 's, given that even some screen shots are reminiscent of those seen in the previous fighting.

It is likely that the product's release date coincides with the arrival of the film in theaters; We will keep you informed as soon as we know more.