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Microsoft and Sony team up for next-gen: Xbox 3 and PS4 are the same console

Many of us have wondered why, despite the fact that Sony has already announced to the world his next console, Microsoft has remained absolutely buttoned on its future strategies. At the same time, Sony fans are wondering why the Japanese has not yet shown the appearance of the new console. In recent days, MondoXbox received answers to these questions from a Microsoft employee who, completely confidential, revealed a real bomb news.

So far we have talked about the next-generation console, but apparently will have to get used to talk about " the " next-gen console. Yeah, because according to our informant there will be no PS4 and Xbox Next-3/720 to make war on the videogame market: Microsoft and Sony have entered into a confidentiality agreement, which will be made known only at E3, to collaborate on the creation of a single console that will precisely PS4. The Xbox brand will be dropped in favor of more popular PlayStation, on which both companies will begin to collaborate.

According to this agreement, Sony will take care of making the console hardware, while Microsoft operating system will take care of them, online connectivity with a payment system evolution of Xbox Live and also the realization of the new PS Eye, a camera already announced that Kinect is nothing more than 2. Business level, the two companies will split the proceeds from sales of hardware, accessories, online subscriptions and royalties on the games.

And speaking of games, there was confirmed that the new PS4 will have no anti-used system but will use a new system to "downloadable licenses" means anyone buy a game you can find in the Pack a license key that will use it on your account online, but anyone will buy a game used must also purchase a new license to play. The licenses would cost about 20 dollars/euros, even if each Publisher will have the right to change this price. This will have the goal to earn the producers even second-hand sales, although we anticipate that greatly reduce this market because prices for used games must provide the extra outlay for the purchase of a new license.

Speaking of games, the new console will obviously all exclusive franchise Sony and Microsoft: we will find then in one platform series such as Halo, Killzone, Gears of War, Uncharted and so on. Our tipster informs us also that is in development a joint Sony/Microsoft Project called " PlayStation Shooter All Stars ", an online FPS created jointly by 343 Industries and Guerrilla in which we will be able to impersonate characters from the most popular shooters of the two houses.

In light of this news, MondoXbox has decided that it will begin to publish now also updates about games for home consoles Sony PS3, that PS4: this way to the arrival of the new console will be updated on all the Microsoft/Sony. We are also considering whether to keep the name MondoXbox or change it to, for which we have already registered the domain . On this we are going to vote after E3, when the plans for the new unified console will finally be official. As always we will keep you informed on all the news from the world of Xbox and PlayStation today!