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Name and first details on the upcoming DLC of CoD: Black Ops leaked official site 2

According to a news emerged on NoshitShurlock and MP1st the official website of Call of Duty: Black Ops II would contain the following background: # 000 url ('/content/dam/atvi/callofduty/blackops2/cod-bo2/dlc/ dlc2-uprising -bg.jpg ') no-repeat top center; "that summary would be that the next expansion of the game entitled Uprising.

Inter alia a community member Vitor and YouTuber MrDalekJD would have discovered information about the new DLC, a description that would invite a " download the epic Call of Duty: Black Ops II Uprising Theme, with Studio, Vertigo and Mob of the Dead, the Zombie more terrifying experience at Treyarch never proven ." Obviously awaiting news from the Publisher.