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Bioware: the future of ME there won't be a second Shepard

In a recent interview with VG247, the producer of Bioware Montreal, Fabrice Condominas, spoke about the future of the Mass Effect series. When asked what would happen in a future game in the series and how to evolve the Galaxy in which it is set, so he replied Condominas "there is only one thing we are absolutely sure, there will be no more neither Shepard and the trilogy itself is over".

"This will be our starting point. The Mass Effect universe is vast and very, very rich. At this point we don't know even what era we ambientarlo, what we are doing is simply collect ideas from the team and explore different things ".

"So first we create a kind of Shepard of Mass Effect 2 or 4 or another soldier. So it will be a very different context, still nothing is decided. "

So what should we expect? Don't know but one thing is certain, the universe of Mass Effect has still much to say.