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MGR: Revengeance and Castlevania LoS 2 playable at GamesCom

Great strides approaching the date of start of GamesCom and therefore begin to get news about games that will be featured during the German event to be held in Cologne from August 14 to 19. Today we can confirm that two highly anticipated titles such as Konami's Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance and Castlevania: Lords of Shadow 2 will be present and both playable form. Although MGR: Revengeance has already leaked in the past some videos, it's a first contact with the audience after the passage of the game in the capable hands of Platinum Games .

It will be a world premiere in all respects to Castlevania , title which aroused much enthusiasm since its announcement at E3. Please note that we will be present in force at GamesCom , and we will therefore have to promptly provide you with all the news from the fair and offer extensive hands-on on titles.