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Dragon's Dogma: Capcom Announces UR Dragon Challenge

Capcom announced today a particular challenge for players of Dragon's Dogma which will be available from 25 may, the day of the launch of the game. The challenge of the Dragon Ur is a special "boss-battle group to which every player can participate with their own checkers: the damage made shall be given by the sum of all the assaults made by various players, and during the fight the Dragon will release items and power-ups, reserving the" biggest prize "to the player who manages to deliver the fatal blow.

You will also have a dedicated leaderboard that will showcase the most capable ammazzadraghi; the challenge will be also available for players without connecting to Xbox Live, though for them the awards issued by the Dragon will be different entities.

We leave you with a video and a set of pictures showing the mighty Dragon of Ur.

MX Video - Dragon's Dogma