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The new official Lionhead website is online

Lionhead Studios has released a new online official website development team through which we will have the opportunity to keep constantly updated regarding mainly the two titles in the works: Fable: The Journey and Fable Heroes. You can become a fan of their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter. As reported on the website, Lionhead explains the main reason why the site has been renewed in style: as many have noticed the Lionhead Forums were closed for UPS and downs had in recent times.

It was a very painful this decision taken by studios that led to drastic change. We thank the hundreds of thousands of fans who have become members of the community over the years, Lionhead claimed that in 2012 the internet is a very different place from what it was in 1998, when they began their forum. Then it is time to provide various information via this new and interesting portal that will give new screens and exclusive engaging on games in progress, upload images and much more.