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Saints Row: The Third will have a season pass details

THQ has announced a Season Pass for the title in sandbox Saints Row: The Third, which, at the cost of HB 1600, allows players to download with a total discount of 15% four DLC, one of which is available at game launch , and the other three in the following months. The first will be called Nyte Blade and add the car "Nyte Blade" plus three exclusive apparel. Following are details on the remaining expansions in the program.

  • Genkibowl VII scheduled for January 2012 will include the wild world of Genki and will lead us well Steelport atypical for a sports session.
  • Gangstas expected during winter in Space 2012: The Saints will be conducted in space.
  • The Trouble With Clones expected in spring 2012: Invasion of the Clones maxes