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Gearbox AI and weapons system Borderlands 2

During a recent interview, the artistic director of Borderlands 2 Jeramy Cooke said that developers are pausing to improve a lot in this new episode, the enemy AI to be in the game. The enemies will be much more cunning than ever before and will be able to cope in many different ways.

They may lash out against barrels or other objects involved in the scenery, climb stairs or jump across the rooftops of the buildings, they will succeed, in practice, to make better use of the environment that surrounds them.

Another novelty lies in the new weapon upgrade system: specifically we will be offered the opportunity to change our arsenal in many ways, changed sides have increased compared to the original game, has risen from 6 to 12, based weapon 14 we'll be using. Among other things, when they modify a weapon, this will not change only in power but also in appearance.