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23 million copies sold for COD: Black Ops

Activision has unveiled today the numbers of his latest bestseller, Call of Duty: Black Ops, confirming the immense popularity of the franchise all over the world. The last chapter of the war series has sold in less than a year, less than 23 million copies, surpassing the 19 million Modern Warfare 2. But the success and the gain is not limited to the normal copy of the game: in fact, have been purchased as many as 18 million map pack, surpassing the figure of 7 million and MW2 publisher earning less than 270 million dollars more than the total .

In short, most of the buyers of Call of Duty: Black Ops has also purchased the additional content published by Activision after the release of the game. Given these satisfactory results, the company expects that the next Modern Warfare 3 can overcome these issues and bring more success to the brand.